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September 30, 2018

Before you call a Trainer, consider these points….


I would love for everyone with a dog, puppy or rescue dog, to work with a Trainer. Why? Because a good Trainer will help you to communicate more effectively with your dog or puppy. This will make your dog or puppy really, really happy! Enlisting professional help BEFORE there are issues is much easier than waiting until after behaviour challenges arise.

Below are some points to consider in regards to your dog’s behaviour:

  • Ensure all basic care needs are met: Nutritious food, plentiful water, shelter from heat and cold, adequate social time with dogs and humans (unless there are reactivity or aggression issues) and comfort. Comfort pertains to bedding (ever slept on a hard mattress?), equipment (harness, collar, lead etc) and also pain management. If your dog is an adolescent or older, they probably have some discomfort in their body from exuberant adventures. Research a bodywork modality like Bowen, Cranio Sacral, massage etc to assist with aches and pains.
  • Ensure that your dog has plenty of time with friends, both human and canine (if appropriate). Schedule a weekly catch up with their pals. Co-ordinate their social lives so that they can develop long lasting friendships with humans and other dogs. Your dog will thank you for it!
  • Once these base needs are met, invest some time in teaching your dog or puppy skills that will make their life easier. These skills are: walking on a lead without pulling (start on a 5 metre lead), remaining calm around unknown dogs and people (age appropriate expectations), be calm inside the house (and don’t pee or poop inside), come when called when off lead and allow humans to touch your body (assure them they’ll get many rewards during this exercise). in my opinion, these are the essential skills and anything on top of this is a bonus! The biggest factor in this area will be CHOICE. Your dog must choose to be a willing participant for these skills. More on this in a future blog.
  • If you have a breed that was bred to do a certain job, see if you can do that as a hobby. Sheep herding, tracking, nosework classes, agility classes or proprioception classes are all activities that you can enjoy with your dog. Is your dog very sociable with people? Would they like to be a therapy dog of some kind? Do they love kids? Would they like to be a Story Dog?
  • If you already have some behaviour issues with your dog, it’s never too late. Get in touch info@georgiadeniet.com or 0411 385 840 and we can work together to make both of your lives a little easier!